"HIROCHAN" has been selected as one of the thank-you gift by hometown tax donation program in Osaka.
The eligibility of ongoing "free 6-month rental service of HIROCHAN" has expanded to cover all area over Japan.
The eligibility of ongoing "free 6-month rental service of HIROCHAN" will be expanded by the popular feedback.
"Mega Rover S40A-LB", a large-capacity battery equipped mobile robot platform is released.
"Mecanum Rover G40A-LB", a large-capacity battery equipped mobile robot platform is released.
Free 6-month rental service of "HIROCHAN" which is a communication device for old people with dementia is launched.
"GPT dialogue block" has been added into "VstoneMagic" where's a development environment for robots.
The prototype of "Sandwich-Robo", a large signage robot is launched. We will exhibit it on the site of IREX 2023!
"4WDS Rover X120A", a ROS compatible mobile robot platform with four-wheel independent steering mechanism is released.
AMIR 740,as a manipulator for mobile robot platform is now compatible with new optional control system.
As a mobile robot platform with payload capacity approx. 120kgs, "Mecanum Rover G120A" is released.
"Robovie-R4" which is a new model of robot platform for development and research is released.
“AMIR 740”, a ROS compatible Robot Arm suitable to be equipped with the mobile robot platform is now on sale.
"Mega Rover F120A" a mobile robot platform with payload capacity approx. 120kgs is released.
The latest model of ROS compatible PC (UM340) option for mobile robot platform is released.
"Mega Rover V3.0 outdoor compatible edition" which is a new version of mobile robot platform is released.
A new edition of "HiroChan" called “Niconico version” specializing in the expression of laughter is released.